Camp Artemis
(WWotW Members Page 7)



Skywriter of the Divine Within

Member since 10/30/00

Websites: Skywriter's Hangar
KodaBear's Kards for Kids
Saggy Old Broads of the World Wide Web

In the world, but not of the world, "Skywriter of The Divine Within" believes that Woman is the highest evolutionary expression of human beings, her birthright being that she is the true Earth Reality Creator and Womb of Power in the Universe. Being endowed with strong natural psychic and empathic abilities, Skywriter is the Keeper of the Keys of the Sacred Memory of Woman's true design and ultimate nature.

Skywriter displays her Spirit Vapors in the skies as a message to her sisters so, when you look up to the heavens and see them, they will always guide you toward, and remind you of, your Absolute Truth.

If Skywriter takes you under her wings, she will stop at nothing to insure that you are protected, defended, respected, honored and enlightened. When she is done, she will land you gently upon higher ground.


New York
ICQ: 75249105
Member Since 12/22/00

Website: N/A

There is a potential warrior in everywoman. She is the leading lady in her own life story on a journey that begins at her birth and continues through her lifetime. As she travels on her particular path, she will undoubtfully, encounter suffering; feel loneliness; vunerability; uncertainity; and know limitations. She also may find meaning, develop character, experience love and grace, and learn wisdom. She is shaped by her choices, by her capacity for faith and love, and by her ability to learn from experience and make committments. When difficulties arise, if she assesses what she can do, decides what she will do, and behaves in such a way consistent with her values and feelings, she is acting as the warrior protaginist of her own life journey. Although life is full of unchosen circumstances, there are always moments of decision, nodal points that decide events or alter character. To be a warrior on her own journey, a woman must begin with the attitude that her choices do matter. In this process of living from this premise, something happens: a woman becomes a choicemaker, a warrior who shapes who she will become. I learned this from my sisters while fighting along side them in the trenches in the war against domestic violence.


Member since 11/14/00

Website: No

I try to live thoughtfully and responsibly, recognizing that ethics are complicated and situations are rarely unambiguous. I defend those who need it, and take care of those for whom I am responsible. I respect the choices of others and support the right of all to choose their own life path, provided it does not deny others the same right. "An it harm none, do as you will."

Denise - Dancingbird

North Carolina
Member since 6/28/99
ICQ: 26948794

No home page yet.

I am a fighter and strong willed. But I am also open to learning new things. Maybe I can share some of my life with you and we can learn together!
Denise - Dancingbird

Morgaine la Fey

ICQ: 24313467
Member since 12/12/99

Website: Morgaine's Home Page

I am a survivor who has come through child abuse, a severely alcoholic family, poverty and more and have managed to create a safe refuge for myself and those I love. From childhood I was labelled "weird" and "retarded" and worse, and I've learned to live and be who I am without shame or remorse. As an adult, I've found people who love me for who I am, and I am so grateful to the Lord and the Lady for all of them. Right now, as my only child nears his adulthood, I am focusing more and more on what my role will be in this world once I am no longer supporting anyone but myself. Who will I be? I think a larger part of my attention will be focused outward, to the community, to the world. I will be developing my warrior aspect more, as it relates to social justice, the environment, AND the honoring of all things beautiful and true.

One of my primary goals is to find, and keep lifelong love; this will take a great deal of courage and perseverance, more than I had when I was younger and not-so-wise. Because I realize now that nurturing and keeping a relationship requires dealing with conflicts and fears with an honest and fearless attitude. The initiatory phrase "t'were better to rush on this blade and perish than to enter this circle with fear in your heart" applies to long-term relationships as well as covens. I pray that I will have enough courage, enough strength, enough love to be worthy of the Love that I envision. So mote it be.

Lady Mythina

Idaho, USA
ICQ: 98426250
Member since 12/29/00

Website: none

I feel that I am a Warrior Woman because like everyone, I have had my fair share of problems. I had my bestfriend commit suicide 15 minutes before I arrived, I was late and I blame myself for it. I also ended up getting pregnant by my boyfriend at the time, and things didn't blow over too well. We both came to a conclusion that we weren't ready for such a commitment, so we chose an abortion. The hardest thing I feel a person my age could go through. I found out the day before the actual process that it was a girl, and I heard her heart beat and I saw her. The day of the abortion not only did I lose our daughter, but I also lost my mentor, my friend, my grandmother. I lost her the very same day.
Now I live with my best friend, who happened to be the father of my baby, and his terrific mother who not only has taken me in, but also has become my mother. I have struggled to ge away from an ex boyfriend who I put in jail for beating me repeatedly, one so bad that I went to the hospital.
I feel that if I went through all that and am here to talk about it I feel that I am a Warrior Woman....or at least a Warrior Girl. I have been told not to dwell on the past, but sometimes it's hard. I just want to help other people, and let them know that you need to grab life by the face, instead of the tail. Meaning look forward, instead of dragging behind.


Washington DC
ICQ: 102234657
Member Since 1/5/01

Website: Nasty With 'Cha

I will stand up for what I believe in whether for myself or a loved one no matter what the consequenses may be. I have never been a follower and I do as I please whether it be popular or not.


Member Since 1/5/01

Website: No

Animals and children do not have the ability to protect themselves against the world. I participate in nonprofit organizations assist these precious life beings. I respect the earth and belong to a conservation preservation. I want to strength this connection I have with nature.

Member since //00


Warrior Women of the Web © Anderomeda, Wolfspirit, Ceilede, Joelle, and Emerald Punk, 1998, 1999.

Page created by Joelle ©2001.